About me


In a nutshell


Since 1989


I was 10 years old, in my fourth year of secondary school sitting with my elbow on my desk, looking outside. I was having a conversation with the clouds. What would you like to become Kathleen? I would like to help people, and for that you don’t need to become something; that is something you just DO.

Kathleen are you paying attention? It’s always the same with you!

I fell of my cloud and continued with the exercise I had already finished.


I am a young woman of 31 years old at the moment that I am writing this. I love life as such and I am incredibly happy that I can share a small part of myself with you.

You could describe my short school career as ‘adventurous’. After high school, I decided to work since I wanted to travel. It resulted in payless experiences, beautiful adventures, in different varieties of course.

The hospitality sector has long been my home. I’ve worked in it with a lot of pleasure and passion. I enjoyed the hard work and long hours, at least: most of the time.

However, after an intense experience I changed my course. My mission became very clear: coaching. After many steps towards my goal and the necessary trainings, workshops, and courses I can call myself coach and above all: a more complete human.

The feeling that I experience when I follow the path of my heart, is something I don’t want to deny anyone and want to share with everyone.


Be the change you want to see in the world

-Mahatma Ghandi


 3680 Maaseik



Telefoon: 0456 30 83 84

E-mail: info@kath-walk.com